Penerbit yang baik akan menerbitkan penerbitan yang bermutu.
Antara penerbit yang mashur adalah:
Journal : ACM, IEEE, Kluwer, Taylor & Francis,
Elsevier, Springer, IEICE, MIT, IOS Press,
Pergamon, WorldScientific, dll.
1. Kandungan - (peringkat pembaca)
- (coverage – menyeluruh)
- (memberi manfaat ramai pembaca)
2. Penggunaan bahasa yang baik dan mudah difahami
- tepat
- ringkas
3. Rujukan - (sumber yang outstanding)
- (bilangan yang mencukupi)
Journal Selection Criteria (Information Science Institute, ISI).
The evaluation process consists of evaluation of many criteria such as, Basic Journal Publishing Standards (including Timeliness of publication, adherence to International Editorial Conventions, English Language Bibliographic Information (including English article titles, keywords, author abstracts, and cited references.) ISI also examines the journal's Editorial Content, the International Diversity of it authors and editors. Citation Analysis using ISI data is applied to determine the journal's citation history and/or the citation history of its authors and editors.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Metode Kuantitatif dalam Pengambilan Keputusan
Secara umum, terdapat dua pendekatan dalam pengambilan keputusan, yaitu pendekatan kualitatif dan pendekatan kuantitatif.
Secara sederhana, pendekatan kualitatif mengandalkan penilaian subyektif terhadap suatu masalah, sedangkan pendekatan kuantitatif mendasarkan keputusan pada penilaian obyektif yang didasarkan pada model matematika yang dibuat. Jika Anda meramalkan cuaca mendasarkan pada pengalaman, maka pendekatan yang digunakan adalah kualitatif. Namun jika, ramalan didasarkan pada model matematika, maka pendekatan yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif. Keputusan penerimaan karyawan berdasar nilai tes masuk adalah contoh lain pendekatan kuantitatif, sedang jika didasarkan pada hasil wawancara untuk mengetahui kepribadian dan motivasi maka pendekatan yang dilakukan adalah kualitatif.
Umumnya pendekatan kuantitatif dalam pengambilan keputusan yang menggunakan model-model matematika. Matematika sudah ditemukan oleh manusia ribuan tahun yang lalu dan telah banyak digunakan dalam banyak aplikasi. Salah satu aplikasi matematika adalah untuk pengambilan keputusan. Sebagai contoh sederhana, bagaimana mengatur 50 kursi dengan ukuran tertentu ke dalam sebuah ruangan dengan ukuran tertentu pula. Dengan ukuran kursi dan ruangan, maka akan ditemukan cara terbaik untuk mengatur kursi; apakah 5 baris kali 10 lajur, atau sebaliknya, semuanya tergantung ukuran ruangan yang ada.
Untuk kasus yang lebih kompleks tentu saja dibutuhkan model matematika yang lebih rumit. Telah banyak model analisis kuantitatif yang dikembangkan dalam pengambilan keputusan.
Bagaimana prosesnya?
Secara umum, semua metode kuantitatif akan mengkonversikan data mentah menjadi informasi yang bermanfaat untuk pengambilan keputusan dari:
Sebagai contoh, dalam memproduksi produk A dan B, menggunakan bahan baku X, Y, Z, diketahui keuntungan penjualan produk A dan B. Angka yang menunjukkan banyak tiap bahan yang tersedia dan keuntungan dari tiap produk adalah data mentah. Analisis kuantitatif akan memproses data tersebut sehingga dihasilkan komposisi produksi (berapa banyak produk A dan B diproduksi) yang menghasilkan untuk optimal. Hasil inilah yang disebut denganinformasi yang bermanfaat untuk pengambilan keputusan.
Langkah-langkah dalam pengambilan keputusan
Mendefinisikan masalah. Secara sederhana, masalah merupakan perbedaan (gap) antara situasi yang diinginkan dengan kenyataan yang ada. Jika seorang mahasiswa ingin memperoleh nilai A, tetapi ternyata hasil yang didapatkan kurang dari itu, maka mahasiswa tersebut menghadapi masalah. Pada dasarnya, semua langkap pengambilan keputusan dilakukan untuk menghilangkan atau mengurangi perbedaan yang ada antara yang diharapkan dan yang terjadi.
Mengembangkan model. Model adalah representasi dari sebuah situasi nyata. Model dapat dikembangkan dalam berbagai bentuk; seperti model fisik, logika, atau matematika. Miniatur mobil atau maket rumah adalah contoh model fisik, sedang aliran listrik dengan rangkaian tertentu atau air mengalir dengan pola saluran tertentu adalah model logika untuk arus lalu-lintas. Model ekonomi yang menyatakan bahwa pendapatan merupakan fungsi dari konsumsi dan tabungan merupakan contoh model matematika.
Dalam langkah pengembangan model dikenal istilah variabel yang nilai-nilainya akan mempengaruhi keputusan yang akan diambil. Dalam kasus nyata, variabel-variabel ini sebagian dapat dikendalikan dan sebagian yang lain tidak. Lama lampu merah pada lampu pengatur lalu lintas dapat dikendalikan dengan mudah, namun laju kendaraan dan jumlah kendaraan yang melewati sebuah jalan tidak mudah dikendalikan.
Mengumpulkan data. Data yang akurat sangat penting untuk menjamin analisis kuantitatif yang dilakukan menghasilkan keluaran seperti yang diinginkan. Sumber data untuk pengujian model dapat berupa laporan-laporan perusahaan seperti laporan keuangan dan dokumen perusahaan lainnya, hasil wawancara, pengukuran langsung di lapangan dan hasilsampling statistik.
Membuat solusi. Solusi yang diambil dalam pendekatan kuantitatif dilakukan dengan memanipulasi model dan dengan masukan data yang dihasilkan pada langkah sebelumnya. Banyak metode yang bisa dilakukan dalam membuat solusi, seperti memecahkan persamaan (model matematika) yang sudah dikembangkan sebelumnya, menggunakan pendekatantrial and error dengan data masukan yang berbeda-beda untuk menghasilkan solusi ”terbaik”, atau menggunakan algoritma atau langkah-langkah penyelesaian detil khusus yang telah dikembangkan.
Apapun metode yang digunakan, solusi yang dihasilkan haruslah praktis (practical) dan dapat diterapkan (implementable). Solusi ”terbaik” yang dihasilkan harus tidak rumit dan dapat digunakan untuk memecahkan masalah yang ada.
Menguji solusi. Untuk menjamin bahwa solusi yang dihasilkan merupakan yang terbaik, maka pengujian harus dilakukan, baik pada model ataupun pada data masukan. Pengujian ini dilakukan untuk melihat akurasi (accuracy) dan kelengkapan model dan data yang digunakan. Untuk melihat akurasi dan kelengkapan data, data yang diperoleh dari berbagai sumber dapat dimasukkan ke dalam model dan hasilnya dibandingkan. Model dan data yang akurat dan lengkap seharusnya menjamin konsistensi hasil. Pengujian ini penting dilakukan sebelum analisis hasil dilakukan.
Menganalisis hasil. Analisis hasil dilakukan untuk memahami langkah-langkah yang harus dilakukan jika sebuah keputusan telah dipilih. Selanjutnya implikasi langkah-langkah yang dilalukan juga harus dianalisis. Dalam langkah ini analisis sensitivitas (sensitivity analysis) menjadi sangat penting. Analisis sensitivitas dilakukan dengan mengubah-ubah nilai-nilai masukan model dan melihat perbedaan apa yang terjadi pada hasil. Dengan demikian, analisis sensitivitas akan membantu untuk lebih memahami masalah yang dihadapi dan kemungkinan-kemungkinan jawaban atas masalah tersebut.
Mengimplementasikan hasil. Langkah implementasi ini dilakukan dengan menerapkan hasil analisis ke dalam proses-proses yang terdapat dalam perusahaan. Tidak kalah penting dalam langkah ini adalah memonitor hasil dari penerapan solusi. Namun, perlu disadari bahwa implementasi hasil analisis (solusi) bukanlah tanpa hambatan. Salah satu hambatan yang mungkin dihadapi adalah bagaimana meyakinkan pihak manajemen bahwa solusi yang ditawarkan merupakan yang terbaik dan akan memecahkan masalah yang ada. Dalam kasus ini, analisis sensitivitas atas model yang dihasilkan sekali lagi dapat digunakan untuk menjual solusi yang dihasilkan kepada pihak manajemen.
Yang jelas, sebagus apapun metode kuantitatif yang dipersiapkan untuk pengambilan keputusan, pengalaman (experience) seseorang akan sangat mempengaruhi efektivitas keputusan yang diambil. The more people know and experience, the better decision they may make.
Sebagian kita mungkin akan berpendapat, “lho, banyak orang sukses, manajer sukses, pengusaha papan atas, tampaknya, mereka tidak butuh metode kuantitatif? Tapi, mereka mampu membuat keputusan dengan cepat dan tepat.” Exactly! Why? In this case, I would say, Experience does matter!
Experience adalah fungsi dari existing knowledge (teori) + intuition. As time varies, kekuatan masing-masing variabel tersebut akan menjadi berbeda-beda. Tidak percaya?! Sok atuh dibuktikan….
Sumber utama: Render (2003). Quantitative methods for Management
Secara sederhana, pendekatan kualitatif mengandalkan penilaian subyektif terhadap suatu masalah, sedangkan pendekatan kuantitatif mendasarkan keputusan pada penilaian obyektif yang didasarkan pada model matematika yang dibuat. Jika Anda meramalkan cuaca mendasarkan pada pengalaman, maka pendekatan yang digunakan adalah kualitatif. Namun jika, ramalan didasarkan pada model matematika, maka pendekatan yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif. Keputusan penerimaan karyawan berdasar nilai tes masuk adalah contoh lain pendekatan kuantitatif, sedang jika didasarkan pada hasil wawancara untuk mengetahui kepribadian dan motivasi maka pendekatan yang dilakukan adalah kualitatif.
Umumnya pendekatan kuantitatif dalam pengambilan keputusan yang menggunakan model-model matematika. Matematika sudah ditemukan oleh manusia ribuan tahun yang lalu dan telah banyak digunakan dalam banyak aplikasi. Salah satu aplikasi matematika adalah untuk pengambilan keputusan. Sebagai contoh sederhana, bagaimana mengatur 50 kursi dengan ukuran tertentu ke dalam sebuah ruangan dengan ukuran tertentu pula. Dengan ukuran kursi dan ruangan, maka akan ditemukan cara terbaik untuk mengatur kursi; apakah 5 baris kali 10 lajur, atau sebaliknya, semuanya tergantung ukuran ruangan yang ada.
Untuk kasus yang lebih kompleks tentu saja dibutuhkan model matematika yang lebih rumit. Telah banyak model analisis kuantitatif yang dikembangkan dalam pengambilan keputusan.
Bagaimana prosesnya?
Secara umum, semua metode kuantitatif akan mengkonversikan data mentah menjadi informasi yang bermanfaat untuk pengambilan keputusan dari:
Sebagai contoh, dalam memproduksi produk A dan B, menggunakan bahan baku X, Y, Z, diketahui keuntungan penjualan produk A dan B. Angka yang menunjukkan banyak tiap bahan yang tersedia dan keuntungan dari tiap produk adalah data mentah. Analisis kuantitatif akan memproses data tersebut sehingga dihasilkan komposisi produksi (berapa banyak produk A dan B diproduksi) yang menghasilkan untuk optimal. Hasil inilah yang disebut denganinformasi yang bermanfaat untuk pengambilan keputusan.
Langkah-langkah dalam pengambilan keputusan
Mendefinisikan masalah. Secara sederhana, masalah merupakan perbedaan (gap) antara situasi yang diinginkan dengan kenyataan yang ada. Jika seorang mahasiswa ingin memperoleh nilai A, tetapi ternyata hasil yang didapatkan kurang dari itu, maka mahasiswa tersebut menghadapi masalah. Pada dasarnya, semua langkap pengambilan keputusan dilakukan untuk menghilangkan atau mengurangi perbedaan yang ada antara yang diharapkan dan yang terjadi.
Mengembangkan model. Model adalah representasi dari sebuah situasi nyata. Model dapat dikembangkan dalam berbagai bentuk; seperti model fisik, logika, atau matematika. Miniatur mobil atau maket rumah adalah contoh model fisik, sedang aliran listrik dengan rangkaian tertentu atau air mengalir dengan pola saluran tertentu adalah model logika untuk arus lalu-lintas. Model ekonomi yang menyatakan bahwa pendapatan merupakan fungsi dari konsumsi dan tabungan merupakan contoh model matematika.
Dalam langkah pengembangan model dikenal istilah variabel yang nilai-nilainya akan mempengaruhi keputusan yang akan diambil. Dalam kasus nyata, variabel-variabel ini sebagian dapat dikendalikan dan sebagian yang lain tidak. Lama lampu merah pada lampu pengatur lalu lintas dapat dikendalikan dengan mudah, namun laju kendaraan dan jumlah kendaraan yang melewati sebuah jalan tidak mudah dikendalikan.
Mengumpulkan data. Data yang akurat sangat penting untuk menjamin analisis kuantitatif yang dilakukan menghasilkan keluaran seperti yang diinginkan. Sumber data untuk pengujian model dapat berupa laporan-laporan perusahaan seperti laporan keuangan dan dokumen perusahaan lainnya, hasil wawancara, pengukuran langsung di lapangan dan hasilsampling statistik.
Membuat solusi. Solusi yang diambil dalam pendekatan kuantitatif dilakukan dengan memanipulasi model dan dengan masukan data yang dihasilkan pada langkah sebelumnya. Banyak metode yang bisa dilakukan dalam membuat solusi, seperti memecahkan persamaan (model matematika) yang sudah dikembangkan sebelumnya, menggunakan pendekatantrial and error dengan data masukan yang berbeda-beda untuk menghasilkan solusi ”terbaik”, atau menggunakan algoritma atau langkah-langkah penyelesaian detil khusus yang telah dikembangkan.
Apapun metode yang digunakan, solusi yang dihasilkan haruslah praktis (practical) dan dapat diterapkan (implementable). Solusi ”terbaik” yang dihasilkan harus tidak rumit dan dapat digunakan untuk memecahkan masalah yang ada.
Menguji solusi. Untuk menjamin bahwa solusi yang dihasilkan merupakan yang terbaik, maka pengujian harus dilakukan, baik pada model ataupun pada data masukan. Pengujian ini dilakukan untuk melihat akurasi (accuracy) dan kelengkapan model dan data yang digunakan. Untuk melihat akurasi dan kelengkapan data, data yang diperoleh dari berbagai sumber dapat dimasukkan ke dalam model dan hasilnya dibandingkan. Model dan data yang akurat dan lengkap seharusnya menjamin konsistensi hasil. Pengujian ini penting dilakukan sebelum analisis hasil dilakukan.
Menganalisis hasil. Analisis hasil dilakukan untuk memahami langkah-langkah yang harus dilakukan jika sebuah keputusan telah dipilih. Selanjutnya implikasi langkah-langkah yang dilalukan juga harus dianalisis. Dalam langkah ini analisis sensitivitas (sensitivity analysis) menjadi sangat penting. Analisis sensitivitas dilakukan dengan mengubah-ubah nilai-nilai masukan model dan melihat perbedaan apa yang terjadi pada hasil. Dengan demikian, analisis sensitivitas akan membantu untuk lebih memahami masalah yang dihadapi dan kemungkinan-kemungkinan jawaban atas masalah tersebut.
Mengimplementasikan hasil. Langkah implementasi ini dilakukan dengan menerapkan hasil analisis ke dalam proses-proses yang terdapat dalam perusahaan. Tidak kalah penting dalam langkah ini adalah memonitor hasil dari penerapan solusi. Namun, perlu disadari bahwa implementasi hasil analisis (solusi) bukanlah tanpa hambatan. Salah satu hambatan yang mungkin dihadapi adalah bagaimana meyakinkan pihak manajemen bahwa solusi yang ditawarkan merupakan yang terbaik dan akan memecahkan masalah yang ada. Dalam kasus ini, analisis sensitivitas atas model yang dihasilkan sekali lagi dapat digunakan untuk menjual solusi yang dihasilkan kepada pihak manajemen.
Yang jelas, sebagus apapun metode kuantitatif yang dipersiapkan untuk pengambilan keputusan, pengalaman (experience) seseorang akan sangat mempengaruhi efektivitas keputusan yang diambil. The more people know and experience, the better decision they may make.
Sebagian kita mungkin akan berpendapat, “lho, banyak orang sukses, manajer sukses, pengusaha papan atas, tampaknya, mereka tidak butuh metode kuantitatif? Tapi, mereka mampu membuat keputusan dengan cepat dan tepat.” Exactly! Why? In this case, I would say, Experience does matter!
Experience adalah fungsi dari existing knowledge (teori) + intuition. As time varies, kekuatan masing-masing variabel tersebut akan menjadi berbeda-beda. Tidak percaya?! Sok atuh dibuktikan….
Sumber utama: Render (2003). Quantitative methods for Management
Mixed methode
Mixed methode
Though regression-discontinuity is strong in internal validity and can parallel other non-equivalent designs in terms of validity threats, interpretation of results might be difficult. Outcomes might be the result of combined effects of factors (e.g. better training of teachers, improvement in school facilities) that are not exactly related to the program per se. Depending on the statistical results, it might also be difficult to assess the efficacy of the program. Adding qualitative flesh to the quantitative bones is a good strategy to overcoming some of these problems.
Among the purposes for mixed-method evaluation design, Green et al. (1989) highlight five major ones that might enhance the evaluation as follows:
Triangulation. tests the consistency of findings obtained through different instruments. In the case study, triangulation will increase chances to control, or at least assess, some of the threats or multiple causes influencing our results.
Complementarity clarifies and illustrates results from one method with the use of another method. In our case, in-class observation will add information about the learning process and will qualify the scores and statistics.
Development results from one method shape subsequent methods or steps in the research process. In our case, partial results from the preprogram measures might suggest that other assessments should be incorporated.
Initiation stimulates new research questions or challenges results obtained through one method. In our case, in-depth interviews with teachers and principals will provide new insights on how the program has been perceived and valued across sites.
Expansion provides richness and detail to the study exploring specific features of each method. In our case, integration of procedures mentioned above will expand the breadth of the study and likely enlighten the more general debate on social change, social justice, and equity in Brazil and the role of the public and private sector in this process.
Though regression-discontinuity is strong in internal validity and can parallel other non-equivalent designs in terms of validity threats, interpretation of results might be difficult. Outcomes might be the result of combined effects of factors (e.g. better training of teachers, improvement in school facilities) that are not exactly related to the program per se. Depending on the statistical results, it might also be difficult to assess the efficacy of the program. Adding qualitative flesh to the quantitative bones is a good strategy to overcoming some of these problems.
Among the purposes for mixed-method evaluation design, Green et al. (1989) highlight five major ones that might enhance the evaluation as follows:
Triangulation. tests the consistency of findings obtained through different instruments. In the case study, triangulation will increase chances to control, or at least assess, some of the threats or multiple causes influencing our results.
Complementarity clarifies and illustrates results from one method with the use of another method. In our case, in-class observation will add information about the learning process and will qualify the scores and statistics.
Development results from one method shape subsequent methods or steps in the research process. In our case, partial results from the preprogram measures might suggest that other assessments should be incorporated.
Initiation stimulates new research questions or challenges results obtained through one method. In our case, in-depth interviews with teachers and principals will provide new insights on how the program has been perceived and valued across sites.
Expansion provides richness and detail to the study exploring specific features of each method. In our case, integration of procedures mentioned above will expand the breadth of the study and likely enlighten the more general debate on social change, social justice, and equity in Brazil and the role of the public and private sector in this process.
Descriptive Research
Descriptive Research
also known as statistical research, describes data and characteristics about the population or phenomenon being studied. Descriptive research answers the questions who, what, where, when and how.
This research is the most commonly used and the basic reason for carrying out descriptive research is to identify the cause of something that is happening.
also known as statistical research, describes data and characteristics about the population or phenomenon being studied. Descriptive research answers the questions who, what, where, when and how.
This research is the most commonly used and the basic reason for carrying out descriptive research is to identify the cause of something that is happening.
Competence is the ability to perform a specific task, action or function successfully. Incompetence is its opposite.
• Competence (biology), the ability of a cell to take up DNA
• Competence (human resources), a standardized requirement for an individual to properly perform a specific job
• Competence (law), the mental capacity of an individual to participate in legal proceedings
• Jurisdiction, the authority of a legal body to deal with and make pronouncements on legal matters and, by implication, to administer justice within a defined area of responsibility
• Linguistic competence, the ability to speak and understand language in a grammatically correct manner
Competence (human resources) :
Competence is a standardized requirement for an individual to properly perform a specific job. It encompasses a combination of knowledge, skills and behavior utilized to improve performance. More generally, competence is the state or quality of being adequately or well qualified, having the ability to perform a specific role.
• Competence (biology), the ability of a cell to take up DNA
• Competence (human resources), a standardized requirement for an individual to properly perform a specific job
• Competence (law), the mental capacity of an individual to participate in legal proceedings
• Jurisdiction, the authority of a legal body to deal with and make pronouncements on legal matters and, by implication, to administer justice within a defined area of responsibility
• Linguistic competence, the ability to speak and understand language in a grammatically correct manner
Competence (human resources) :
Competence is a standardized requirement for an individual to properly perform a specific job. It encompasses a combination of knowledge, skills and behavior utilized to improve performance. More generally, competence is the state or quality of being adequately or well qualified, having the ability to perform a specific role.
Delphi technique
Delphi technique is a way to obtain the opinion of experts without necessarily bringing them together face to face. An information gathering technique in which questionnaires are sent to informed individuals. The responses are summarized into a feedback report and used to generate subsequent questionnaires to probe more deeply into the issue under consideration
Delbecq, et al. (1975) described the Delphi technique by the following process:
1. Develop a set of questionnaires. Typically three or four questionnaires mailed to the respondents are used to obtain the required data.
2. Identify, select, and contact the respondents. Frequently a nominating process is used whereby key individuals may nominate someone with the expertise to participate in the study.
3. Select a sample size. Thirty is frequently used as an upper bound due to limited numbers of new ideas, three or four people is probably too few, and usually between ten and twenty people is reasonable.
4. Develop the first questionnaire, mail it to the respondents, and obtain the responses. For example, the questionnaire could contain ten to fifteen open-ended questions.
5. Analyze the data. Responses to questions could be grouped or categorized by frequency or other criteria.
6. Develop the second questionnaire, mail it to the respondents, and obtain the responses. This questionnaire is developed from the first questionnaire responses. It might request the respondents to review responses that have been categorized and rate them according to a scale.
7. Analyze the data. This analysis should tally the votes for each of the responses; determine various statistics such as mean, mode, standard deviation, and so on for each response; and finally, summarize additional responses for the next round.
8. Develop the third questionnaire, mail it to the respondents, and obtain the responses. Provide the respondents with the outcome of the second round and ask them if they would like to reconsider their own second round responses.
9. Analyze the data. Determine if there is a consensus.
10. Complete the final report (pp. 87-107).
Delbecq, et al. (1975) described the Delphi technique by the following process:
1. Develop a set of questionnaires. Typically three or four questionnaires mailed to the respondents are used to obtain the required data.
2. Identify, select, and contact the respondents. Frequently a nominating process is used whereby key individuals may nominate someone with the expertise to participate in the study.
3. Select a sample size. Thirty is frequently used as an upper bound due to limited numbers of new ideas, three or four people is probably too few, and usually between ten and twenty people is reasonable.
4. Develop the first questionnaire, mail it to the respondents, and obtain the responses. For example, the questionnaire could contain ten to fifteen open-ended questions.
5. Analyze the data. Responses to questions could be grouped or categorized by frequency or other criteria.
6. Develop the second questionnaire, mail it to the respondents, and obtain the responses. This questionnaire is developed from the first questionnaire responses. It might request the respondents to review responses that have been categorized and rate them according to a scale.
7. Analyze the data. This analysis should tally the votes for each of the responses; determine various statistics such as mean, mode, standard deviation, and so on for each response; and finally, summarize additional responses for the next round.
8. Develop the third questionnaire, mail it to the respondents, and obtain the responses. Provide the respondents with the outcome of the second round and ask them if they would like to reconsider their own second round responses.
9. Analyze the data. Determine if there is a consensus.
10. Complete the final report (pp. 87-107).
Yang biasa ada dalam Chapter 3
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Reka bentuk penyelidikan
3.3 Population
3.4 Sample
3.5 Instrument Kajian
3.6 Kajian Rintis (pilot test)
3.7 Kerangka operasi
3.8 Analisis Data
3.9 Andaian Kajian
3.10 Rumusan Bab
3.2 Reka bentuk penyelidikan
3.3 Population
3.4 Sample
3.5 Instrument Kajian
3.6 Kajian Rintis (pilot test)
3.7 Kerangka operasi
3.8 Analisis Data
3.9 Andaian Kajian
3.10 Rumusan Bab
Student development
Student development theories generally can be divided into five categories:
1. Psychosocial. Psychosocial theories life-long issues that tend to occur in sequence and are correlated with chronological age, concentrating on individuals progress through various 'life stages' by accomplishing certain deeds.
2. Cognitive-Structural. Cognitive-structural theories address how student perceives, organizes, and reasons about their experiences.
3. Person-Environment. Person-environment theories address interaction between conceptualizations of the college student and the college environment, looking at behavior as a social function of the person and the environment. Those theories are particularly common in career planning.
4. Humanistic Existential. Humanistic existential theories concentrate on certain philosophical concepts about human nature: that humans are free, responsible, self-aware, potentially self-actualizing and that education and personal growth is facilitated by self-disclosure, followed by self-acceptance and self-awareness. These theories are used extensively in counseling.
5. Student Development Process Models. Student development process models can be divided into abstract theories and recommended practical sets of action steps for the practice of student development. They outline the process steps of how to use theories.
Further reading
* Astin, A. Student involvement: a developmental theory for higher education. Journal of College Student Personnel, 25(4), 297-308, 1984.
* Creamer, Don G. (Ed.). Student Development in Higher Education: Theories, Practices and Future Directions. Cincinnati: ACPA, 1980.
* Knefelkamp, Lee, Widick, Carole and Parker, Clyde (eds.). Applying New Developmental Findings. New Directions for Student Services No. 4. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1978.
* Miller, T.K. and Winston, Jr., R.B. "Human Development and Higher Education." In T.K. Miller, R.B. Winston, Jr. and Associates. Administration and Leadership in Student Affairs: Actualizing Student Development in Higher Education. Muncie, Indiana: Accelerated Development, Inc., 1991
* Rodgers, R. F. "Student Development." In U. Delworth, G. R. Hanson, and Associates, Student Services: A Handbook for the Profession. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1989.
* Sanford, N. Self & society: social change and individual development. New York, NY: Atherton Press, 1967.
* Strange, C. "Managing College Environments: Theory and Practice." In T.K. Miller, R. B. Winston, Jr. and Associates, Administration and Leadership in Student Affairs: Actualizing Student Development in Higher Education. Muncie, Indiana: Accelerated Development, Inc., 1991.
* Strange, C. C., & Banning, J. H. (2001). Educating by design: Creating campus learning environments that work. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
* Upcraft, M. Lee and Gardner, John L. (Eds.). The Freshman Year Experience. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1989. p. 41–46.
* Upcraft, M. Lee and Moore, Leila V. "Evolving Theoretical Perspectives of Student Development." In Margaret J. Barr, M. Lee Upcraft and Associates. New Futures for Student Affairs. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1990.
1. Psychosocial. Psychosocial theories life-long issues that tend to occur in sequence and are correlated with chronological age, concentrating on individuals progress through various 'life stages' by accomplishing certain deeds.
2. Cognitive-Structural. Cognitive-structural theories address how student perceives, organizes, and reasons about their experiences.
3. Person-Environment. Person-environment theories address interaction between conceptualizations of the college student and the college environment, looking at behavior as a social function of the person and the environment. Those theories are particularly common in career planning.
4. Humanistic Existential. Humanistic existential theories concentrate on certain philosophical concepts about human nature: that humans are free, responsible, self-aware, potentially self-actualizing and that education and personal growth is facilitated by self-disclosure, followed by self-acceptance and self-awareness. These theories are used extensively in counseling.
5. Student Development Process Models. Student development process models can be divided into abstract theories and recommended practical sets of action steps for the practice of student development. They outline the process steps of how to use theories.
Further reading
* Astin, A. Student involvement: a developmental theory for higher education. Journal of College Student Personnel, 25(4), 297-308, 1984.
* Creamer, Don G. (Ed.). Student Development in Higher Education: Theories, Practices and Future Directions. Cincinnati: ACPA, 1980.
* Knefelkamp, Lee, Widick, Carole and Parker, Clyde (eds.). Applying New Developmental Findings. New Directions for Student Services No. 4. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1978.
* Miller, T.K. and Winston, Jr., R.B. "Human Development and Higher Education." In T.K. Miller, R.B. Winston, Jr. and Associates. Administration and Leadership in Student Affairs: Actualizing Student Development in Higher Education. Muncie, Indiana: Accelerated Development, Inc., 1991
* Rodgers, R. F. "Student Development." In U. Delworth, G. R. Hanson, and Associates, Student Services: A Handbook for the Profession. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1989.
* Sanford, N. Self & society: social change and individual development. New York, NY: Atherton Press, 1967.
* Strange, C. "Managing College Environments: Theory and Practice." In T.K. Miller, R. B. Winston, Jr. and Associates, Administration and Leadership in Student Affairs: Actualizing Student Development in Higher Education. Muncie, Indiana: Accelerated Development, Inc., 1991.
* Strange, C. C., & Banning, J. H. (2001). Educating by design: Creating campus learning environments that work. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
* Upcraft, M. Lee and Gardner, John L. (Eds.). The Freshman Year Experience. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1989. p. 41–46.
* Upcraft, M. Lee and Moore, Leila V. "Evolving Theoretical Perspectives of Student Development." In Margaret J. Barr, M. Lee Upcraft and Associates. New Futures for Student Affairs. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1990.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
The First International Graduate Student Conference on Indonesia
The First International Graduate Student Conference on Indonesia
1 – 4 December 2009
Venue: Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
“(Re)Considering Contemporary Indonesia:
Striving for Democracy, Sustainability, and Prosperity, A Multidisciplinary Perspective"
(history, philosophy, law/legal aspect, social, culture, language, literature, religion/beliefs, environment, politics, democracy/human right, education, economics, management, agriculture, health, international relations, media studies, arts, gender issues, and others)
We are inviting Graduate Students working on Indonesian issues to participate in the conference by submitting their abstracts / papers in relation with the theme.
Schedule: (This is new schedule for abstract submition)
• Abstract submission and selection deadline: end of February 2009
• Paper submission deadline: mid of October 2009
For further information please contact:
Andy Wahyu W. :
Siti Nur Hidayah
Esti Anantasari
Endy Muhammad :
Office :
Academy Professorship Indonesia in Social Sciences and Humanities
Graduate School of Gadjah Mada University
2nd Floor, East Side, Public Affairs.
Jl. Teknika Utara. Pogung, Sleman.
Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
Phone/Fax: +62 274 564239 (ext. 209)
+62 274 7110145
Collaborators Universities

1 – 4 December 2009
Venue: Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
“(Re)Considering Contemporary Indonesia:
Striving for Democracy, Sustainability, and Prosperity, A Multidisciplinary Perspective"
(history, philosophy, law/legal aspect, social, culture, language, literature, religion/beliefs, environment, politics, democracy/human right, education, economics, management, agriculture, health, international relations, media studies, arts, gender issues, and others)
We are inviting Graduate Students working on Indonesian issues to participate in the conference by submitting their abstracts / papers in relation with the theme.
Schedule: (This is new schedule for abstract submition)
• Abstract submission and selection deadline: end of February 2009
• Paper submission deadline: mid of October 2009
For further information please contact:
Andy Wahyu W. :
Siti Nur Hidayah
Esti Anantasari
Endy Muhammad :
Office :
Academy Professorship Indonesia in Social Sciences and Humanities
Graduate School of Gadjah Mada University
2nd Floor, East Side, Public Affairs.
Jl. Teknika Utara. Pogung, Sleman.
Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
Phone/Fax: +62 274 564239 (ext. 209)
+62 274 7110145
Collaborators Universities

Model, a model is "a simple representation of more complex form, process and function of physical phenomena or ideas" (Gustafson & Branch, 1997, p.17)
Program, a program is "a set of resources & activities directed toward one or more common goals" (Wholey, hatry nad newcomer, 1994 p.41)
Program, a program is "a set of resources & activities directed toward one or more common goals" (Wholey, hatry nad newcomer, 1994 p.41)
Higher Education for Sustainable Development
Higher education has a vital role to play in shaping the way in which future generations learn to cope with the complexities of sustainable development. Universities and higher education institutions educate highly qualified graduates and responsible citizens able to meet the needs of all sectors of human activity;
1. they provide opportunities for higher learning and for learning throughout life;
2. they advance, create and disseminate knowledge through research and provide, as part of their service to the community, relevant expertise to assist societies in cultural, social and economic development;
3. they help understand, interpret, preserve, enhance, promote and disseminate national and regional, international and historic cultures in a context of cultural pluralism and diversity;
4. they help protect and enhance societal values by training young people in the values which form the basis of democratic citizenship;
5. they contribute to the development and improvement of education at all levels, including through the training of teachers.
In considering the roles and functions of higher education institutions in promoting sustainable development, issues to be particularly addressed include:
1. increasing the relevance of teaching and research for the societal processes leading to more sustainable and discouraging unsustainable patterns of life;
2. improving the quality and efficiency of teaching and research;
3. bridging the gap between science and education, and traditional knowledge and education;
4. strengthening interactions with actors outside the university, in particular with local communities and businesses;
5. introducing decentralized and flexible management concepts;
6. offering access to scientific knowledge of good quality;
7. enabling students to obtain the competences needed to work together in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams in participatory processes; bringing the global dimension into individual learning environments.
1. they provide opportunities for higher learning and for learning throughout life;
2. they advance, create and disseminate knowledge through research and provide, as part of their service to the community, relevant expertise to assist societies in cultural, social and economic development;
3. they help understand, interpret, preserve, enhance, promote and disseminate national and regional, international and historic cultures in a context of cultural pluralism and diversity;
4. they help protect and enhance societal values by training young people in the values which form the basis of democratic citizenship;
5. they contribute to the development and improvement of education at all levels, including through the training of teachers.
In considering the roles and functions of higher education institutions in promoting sustainable development, issues to be particularly addressed include:
1. increasing the relevance of teaching and research for the societal processes leading to more sustainable and discouraging unsustainable patterns of life;
2. improving the quality and efficiency of teaching and research;
3. bridging the gap between science and education, and traditional knowledge and education;
4. strengthening interactions with actors outside the university, in particular with local communities and businesses;
5. introducing decentralized and flexible management concepts;
6. offering access to scientific knowledge of good quality;
7. enabling students to obtain the competences needed to work together in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams in participatory processes; bringing the global dimension into individual learning environments.
Untuk yang memerlukan E-Journal
Sebagaimana kita ketahui bersama, bahwa untuk mendapatkan state of the art dari sebuah research diperlukan references or literature review yang telah diakui oleh para pakar di bidangnya masing masing. References or Literature review yang akan dipergunakan dapat dicari salah satunya melalui E-Journal.
Ditempat saya saat ini, akses untuk mendapatkan E-Journal adalah sangat mudah. Sehingga saya bermaksud untuk berbagi/membantu kepada siapa saja yang kebetulan sedang mencari E-Journal.
Diantaranya E-journal tersebut adalah :
1. ACM Digital Library
2. Applied Science & Technology
3. ASCE Civil Engineering Database
5. British Standard Online
6. EBSCOhost
7. General Science Abstracts Full Text
8. IEEE Xplore
10. IOP Electronic Journals
11. MathScience
12. ProQuest Dissertation & Theses
13. ProQuest Education Journals
14. ScienceDirect
15. SpringerLink
16. Ulrich's Periodicals Directory
17. Wiley Interscience
Caranya ?
Copy and paste-kan link yang memuat E-Journal yang diingikan atau masukkan judul dari Journalnya.
Saya tidak bisa menjamin 100% semua dapat diakses dari tempat saya, tapi saya sudah mencoba sangat sangat banyak journal yang dapat diakses.
Semoga hal ini dapat membantu.
Ditempat saya saat ini, akses untuk mendapatkan E-Journal adalah sangat mudah. Sehingga saya bermaksud untuk berbagi/membantu kepada siapa saja yang kebetulan sedang mencari E-Journal.
Diantaranya E-journal tersebut adalah :
1. ACM Digital Library
2. Applied Science & Technology
3. ASCE Civil Engineering Database
5. British Standard Online
6. EBSCOhost
7. General Science Abstracts Full Text
8. IEEE Xplore
10. IOP Electronic Journals
11. MathScience
12. ProQuest Dissertation & Theses
13. ProQuest Education Journals
14. ScienceDirect
15. SpringerLink
16. Ulrich's Periodicals Directory
17. Wiley Interscience
Caranya ?
Copy and paste-kan link yang memuat E-Journal yang diingikan atau masukkan judul dari Journalnya.
Saya tidak bisa menjamin 100% semua dapat diakses dari tempat saya, tapi saya sudah mencoba sangat sangat banyak journal yang dapat diakses.
Semoga hal ini dapat membantu.
Guest House Murah Singapore
- Definitely Safe, Clean & Quiet
- Laundry & Left Baggages Services
- Definitely Safe, Clean & Quiet
- Well Maintained Bathrooms & Toilets- Relax, Read, Sun-Bathing At Roof Top
- Travel Information Of Singapore & South East Asia
- Friendly & Homely Atmosphere
- Clean & Comfortable Pantry
- Interact With Other In-House Travellers
- 10 Minutes Walk To Orchard Road
- Colour Tv On Roof Top
- Free Usage Of Internet Surfing
Info lengkap silahkan klik disini
- Laundry & Left Baggages Services
- Definitely Safe, Clean & Quiet
- Well Maintained Bathrooms & Toilets- Relax, Read, Sun-Bathing At Roof Top
- Travel Information Of Singapore & South East Asia
- Friendly & Homely Atmosphere
- Clean & Comfortable Pantry
- Interact With Other In-House Travellers
- 10 Minutes Walk To Orchard Road
- Colour Tv On Roof Top
- Free Usage Of Internet Surfing
Info lengkap silahkan klik disini
Akomodasi Murah di KL
Hello Friends,
Ada yang butuh akomodasi yg value for money di KL? Apartemen dan Hotel?
Ada yang mau naik bus SIN-KL atau KL-Sin dgn harga sesuai tiket resmi?
=>Silakan kontak Riyani
atau email ke dan
1. Tempat Nginap OK @ KL
Apartemen kelas suite (bukan studio suite) di KL PLAZA SUITE yg bersih&nyaman di Bukit Bintang (semacam Orchard Road nya Singapore, namanya daerah Golden Triangle).
di sebelah Hotel JW MARRIOT n Lot 10 Shopping Center,
di seberang Hotel GRAND MILLENIUM (d/h: REGENT) & Mall PAVILION
dan persis di atas shopping complex KL Plaza.
(Semua dapat ditempuh dgn jalan kaki 1-5 menit saja)
*Dekat “FOOD STREET”, mudah sekali mencari makan yg OK n murmer
*Dalam radius 500 meter, ada:
TONG SHIN Hospital & Tmpt Perhentian BUS k SINGAPORE, PENANG, dll..
* Dalam radius 100 meter, ada: MONORAIL STATION
Dalam 1 apt ada 3 kamar (semua ber-AC & KM dgn water heater) yg berbagi fasilitas dlm apt, spt dapur, r.tamu, etc.
Bila book 1 unit apartemen, seluruh fasilitas dapat dipakai sendiri.
Ada dapur+R.tamunya juga (bisa masak indomie)
èTarif per kamar RM80/nite (max. 2 org), kamar utama RM95/nite (max. 3 org).
Bila ada tambahan orang diluar ketentuan di atas, cukup tambah RM15/orang (sudah incl. Extra bed, bantal+selimut)
Surcharge berlaku untuk libur hari besar & libur sekolah (hanya RM15/nite).
Note: Kamar utama ada KM dalam, untuk kamar Rm.80/nite KM di dalam sharing dgn kamar disebelahnya (K.mandi letaknya di tengah2, diapit 2 kamar).
##Fasilitas lain dalam apartemen:
Kolam renang bisa pakai gratis dan ada kolam renang untuk anak juga (!)
Kalo mau tennis or squash, pake Sauna, Gym dan Snooker juga bisa (ini bayar lagi)
1. Service transport transfer in/out, city tour dan ke Genting khusus buat rombongan diatas 5 orang. (Dengan Biaya yang Terjangkau)
2. Special reward bagi yg stay min. 2 hari dan keatas, otomatis mendapatkan
FREE transport ke COCOA BOUTIQUE HOUSE dari apartemen kita!
(COCOA BOUTIQUE HOUSE ini khusus menjual cokelat eksklusif (hanya bisa didapat di toko mereka) Specialitynya COKELAT DURIAN (highly recommended!) Tempat ini famous n termasuk must-go place buat penggemar cokelat, khususnya yg cokelat durian itu coz cuma satu2nya cokelat durian yg ada di malaysia.
2. Bus KL-Sin dan Sin-KL
Rute KL-SIN:
Super VIP(26 seats) Rm.38, Premium(23 seats) Rm.83, First Class(16 seats) Rm.99.
Rute SIN-KL:
Super VIP(26 seats) Rm.75, Premium(23 seats) Rm.120, First Class(16 seats) Rm.150.
FASILITAS: Bus First Class dan Premium :dapat makan dan snack spt di pesawat, dilayani pramugari bus, personal TV LCD 7 inch, tempat duduk leather yg adjustable dan bisa pijit juga.
***Harga di atas adalah harga resmi sesuai tiket***
Ada yang butuh akomodasi yg value for money di KL? Apartemen dan Hotel?
Ada yang mau naik bus SIN-KL atau KL-Sin dgn harga sesuai tiket resmi?
=>Silakan kontak Riyani
atau email ke dan
1. Tempat Nginap OK @ KL
Apartemen kelas suite (bukan studio suite) di KL PLAZA SUITE yg bersih&nyaman di Bukit Bintang (semacam Orchard Road nya Singapore, namanya daerah Golden Triangle).
di sebelah Hotel JW MARRIOT n Lot 10 Shopping Center,
di seberang Hotel GRAND MILLENIUM (d/h: REGENT) & Mall PAVILION
dan persis di atas shopping complex KL Plaza.
(Semua dapat ditempuh dgn jalan kaki 1-5 menit saja)
*Dekat “FOOD STREET”, mudah sekali mencari makan yg OK n murmer
*Dalam radius 500 meter, ada:
TONG SHIN Hospital & Tmpt Perhentian BUS k SINGAPORE, PENANG, dll..
* Dalam radius 100 meter, ada: MONORAIL STATION
Dalam 1 apt ada 3 kamar (semua ber-AC & KM dgn water heater) yg berbagi fasilitas dlm apt, spt dapur, r.tamu, etc.
Bila book 1 unit apartemen, seluruh fasilitas dapat dipakai sendiri.
Ada dapur+R.tamunya juga (bisa masak indomie)
èTarif per kamar RM80/nite (max. 2 org), kamar utama RM95/nite (max. 3 org).
Bila ada tambahan orang diluar ketentuan di atas, cukup tambah RM15/orang (sudah incl. Extra bed, bantal+selimut)
Surcharge berlaku untuk libur hari besar & libur sekolah (hanya RM15/nite).
Note: Kamar utama ada KM dalam, untuk kamar Rm.80/nite KM di dalam sharing dgn kamar disebelahnya (K.mandi letaknya di tengah2, diapit 2 kamar).
##Fasilitas lain dalam apartemen:
Kolam renang bisa pakai gratis dan ada kolam renang untuk anak juga (!)
Kalo mau tennis or squash, pake Sauna, Gym dan Snooker juga bisa (ini bayar lagi)
1. Service transport transfer in/out, city tour dan ke Genting khusus buat rombongan diatas 5 orang. (Dengan Biaya yang Terjangkau)
2. Special reward bagi yg stay min. 2 hari dan keatas, otomatis mendapatkan
FREE transport ke COCOA BOUTIQUE HOUSE dari apartemen kita!
(COCOA BOUTIQUE HOUSE ini khusus menjual cokelat eksklusif (hanya bisa didapat di toko mereka) Specialitynya COKELAT DURIAN (highly recommended!) Tempat ini famous n termasuk must-go place buat penggemar cokelat, khususnya yg cokelat durian itu coz cuma satu2nya cokelat durian yg ada di malaysia.
2. Bus KL-Sin dan Sin-KL
Rute KL-SIN:
Super VIP(26 seats) Rm.38, Premium(23 seats) Rm.83, First Class(16 seats) Rm.99.
Rute SIN-KL:
Super VIP(26 seats) Rm.75, Premium(23 seats) Rm.120, First Class(16 seats) Rm.150.
FASILITAS: Bus First Class dan Premium :dapat makan dan snack spt di pesawat, dilayani pramugari bus, personal TV LCD 7 inch, tempat duduk leather yg adjustable dan bisa pijit juga.
***Harga di atas adalah harga resmi sesuai tiket***
Membuat Konsep Paper
A critical aspect of proposal development is the planning and preparation which must be undertaken prior to the actual writing of the proposal. The following is a worksheet of activities to complete in the preparation of a proposal.
Step one. Decide on what you want to do. Consider your expertise, your interests, your experience, and the resources available to you.
The decision to write a proposal should also be based on knowledge about the competition and the funding agency where the proposal will be submitted. This information can be obtained from sources like the U.S. Department of Education's Grants & Contracts page, the Federal Register, the federal agency itself (i.e., OSEP), foundations, state education agencies, requests for proposals (RFPs) or grant announcements, and/or requests for applications (RFAs).
After reading the informational material thoroughly, the prospective grant writer should consider how their interests, experience, and the resources available to them can facilitate preparation and operation of the project. One must also consider the resources of the sponsor institution and all other institutions if collaboration with other institutions is anticipated (e.g., library facilities, laboratory space, computer technology, expertise of faculty, etc.).
Step two. Conceptualize your project. Develop a concept paper which summarizes the entire project. To conceptualize your project complete the following sentences.
The title of my project is: _________________________________________
The problem this project will address is: _____________________________
The goal of this project is: ________________________________________
The objectives this project will achieve to accomplish that goal are: ________
The anticipated outcomes resulting from this intervention are: ____________
The procedures for determining whether the project goals and objectives have been accomplished are: __________________________________________
The population served is: ________________________________________
The theoretical model upon (or conceptual framework within) which the
project is based is: _____________________________________________
Step three. Gather several key references which discuss the theoretical model which will provide the framework for your project. Each project must be embedded within a theoretical model or conceptual framework which has been reported in the professional literature. You should be prepared with a few key references which discuss the model toward which you will direct the project. These references will provide the centerpiece for the literature review which you will need to prepare for the full proposal (See Literature Searches on the CMSE Online web page.)
Step one. Decide on what you want to do. Consider your expertise, your interests, your experience, and the resources available to you.
The decision to write a proposal should also be based on knowledge about the competition and the funding agency where the proposal will be submitted. This information can be obtained from sources like the U.S. Department of Education's Grants & Contracts page, the Federal Register, the federal agency itself (i.e., OSEP), foundations, state education agencies, requests for proposals (RFPs) or grant announcements, and/or requests for applications (RFAs).
After reading the informational material thoroughly, the prospective grant writer should consider how their interests, experience, and the resources available to them can facilitate preparation and operation of the project. One must also consider the resources of the sponsor institution and all other institutions if collaboration with other institutions is anticipated (e.g., library facilities, laboratory space, computer technology, expertise of faculty, etc.).
Step two. Conceptualize your project. Develop a concept paper which summarizes the entire project. To conceptualize your project complete the following sentences.
The title of my project is: _________________________________________
The problem this project will address is: _____________________________
The goal of this project is: ________________________________________
The objectives this project will achieve to accomplish that goal are: ________
The anticipated outcomes resulting from this intervention are: ____________
The procedures for determining whether the project goals and objectives have been accomplished are: __________________________________________
The population served is: ________________________________________
The theoretical model upon (or conceptual framework within) which the
project is based is: _____________________________________________
Step three. Gather several key references which discuss the theoretical model which will provide the framework for your project. Each project must be embedded within a theoretical model or conceptual framework which has been reported in the professional literature. You should be prepared with a few key references which discuss the model toward which you will direct the project. These references will provide the centerpiece for the literature review which you will need to prepare for the full proposal (See Literature Searches on the CMSE Online web page.)
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Conceptual framework
Conceptual frameworks (also called theoretical frameworks) are a type of intermediate theory that have the potential to connect to all aspects of inquiry (e.g., problem definition, purpose, literature review, methodology, data collection and analysis). Conceptual frameworks act like maps that give coherence to empirical inquiry. Because conceptual frameworks are potentially so close to empirical inquiry, they take different forms depending upon the research question or problem. Shields and Tajalli (2006) have identified several types of conceptual frameworks (working hypotheses, descriptive categories, practical ideal type, models of operations research and formal hypotheses) for the field of public administration. The frameworks are linked to particular research purposes (exploration, description, gauging, decision making and explanation/prediction). When purpose and framework are aligned other aspects of empirical research such as choice of methodology (survey, interviews, analysis of existing data, direct observation, focus groups etc) and type of statistical technique become obvious.
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